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« June 2012 »
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Angelfire Team Blog
Friday, 29 June 2012
Featured Friday: G.A.P.S.
Topic: Featured Friday

If you're a fan of the SyFy network, you may have heard of a show called Ghost Hunters - a show where we as viewers get to experience what a real ghost hunt is like with T.A.P.S. (The Atlantic Paranormal Society). Well, if you enjoy that show, you'll love the featured website this week - G.A.P.S. (Gibsonburg Area Paranormal Society).


If you are in the Gibsonburg area in Ohio and are hearing strange noises or bumps in the night, call G.A.P.S.! Currently, the site is in its early stages so reports of investigations haven't been added, but that doesn't mean they haven't been on cases! Keep checking back for updates on their adventures. 


Visit G.A.P.S at gapsparanormal.com !


Posted by team-blog at 10:11 AM EDT
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